Concise Notes on the Haíyah Poem-A Classical Text that Clarifies the Creed of Ahl al-Sunnah
Sunnah Publishing
“I asked my father (d. 277H) and Abu Zur’ah (d. 264H) about the beliefs of the People of the Sunnah regarding the fundamentals of the Religion, and what they both found the scholars upon in all of the various lands, and what they believe as it relates to these affairs. So they responded, saying: We found the scholars in all of the various lands: Hijaz, Iraq, Egypt, Sham and Yemen, so their creed was…”
An important point: These issues that al-Hafiz, the Muhaddith, the Imam, Shaykh ‘Abd al-Rahman b. Muhammad, who is well known as Ibn Abu Hatim, learnt from the two renowned memorizers and scholars of Hadith – his father and Abu Zur’ah, and the fact that both of them conveyed these matters from the Imams of Ahl al-Sunnah – proves that they were united upon these beliefs and that they did not differ regarding any of them.